2015 may have already faded into history but thanks to the magic of the Internet, CBJ articles live on forever. Even though all of our articles are great, there were some that our readers loved more than others. We look back on the 11 most popular articles from the last year.
#11 Rope Access For Setters
Gear designed for hands-free operation, head protection and rescue plans are entering the climbing gym as routesetters borrow more from the world of high rope access.
#10 Australia Buzzes With Bouldering
Apparently Australians like to boulder. From the Grampians to the Blue Mountains, the climbers of Oz have plenty of options for pebble wrestling. But it seems they also like to pull on plastic.
#9 Rock Candy Adds Bouldering Gym
With the addition of the Rock Mill, Rock Candy Climbing Holds adds the climbing equivalent of a “tasting room” to their corporate headquarters.
#8 24-hour Climbing Gyms
Bouldering gyms that have 24-hour access are popping up all over the US. Learn how they do it to see if it is right for you.
#7Don’t Call It A Comeback
A behind the scenes look at Metolius’ transition to urethane climbing holds for the commercial climbing gym market.
#6 The Evolution of Evo Rock
You may not have heard of Evo Rock + Fitness but that will soon change as the young company looks to set up franchises across the country.
#5 Have Fun, Work Hard, Get Better
CBJ takes a look inside one of America’s most successful climbing teams, Team Texas.
#4 Stuntwerk and The Moving Riddle
A German bouldering gym is bringing a new way of thinking to routesetting and indoor climbing.
#3 Gym Architecture The Italian Way
Architecture is often a secondary thought for most climbing gym developers. The Italians take a very different approach.
#2 Jobs page
Though not technically an article, our Jobs page is by far the most popular page on CBJ.
#1 Solving Problems With Problems
A German research group found that bouldering and mindfullness training was an effective treatment for people suffering from depression.