EP Climbing

Website Support

You can always contact us if your answer is not below. We are happy to help you!


  • To post a job or resume, you will need to sign up for a new account, your login from the old website won’t work anymore.
  • A free basic membership is available for individuals who want to post their job openings and resume – jobs are still free!
  • To have access to edit and repost past jobs will require some manual support to reconnect – if you’d like that, after you re-enroll contact us and we’ll help you regain access.


  1. Your “featured jobs/listings” coupons no longer work. That functionality is now built directly into your account. When you are logged in and submit a job, you will see at the top of the page your current balance of featured credits, and you can apply them to any job yourself. And like before, we can also help individually if you contact us.
  2. To get this setup, we need to ask you to re-enroll as a member. None of the old logins work on the new site, and we want to ensure you are correctly setup to get your member benefits. The rates are the same, and once we see your new enrollment we will cancel your old PayPal profile and refund you the prorated amount of overlap plus one free month bonus for the hassle. Going forward you will be able to manage your payments within the same account you use for jobs.


  1. When you are logged in and submit a new job, or view current/past jobs, at the top you will see a message and switch to use a featured credit:

Redeeming your Featured Listings

  1. If you choose Featured, lower in the form is a button to upload your logo. Logos are only included with Featured Jobs.

Featured Listings can upload logos

  1. If you have used all of your credits, you can purchase more here. Additional credits are only available to Biz, Plus and Premium members.