Press Release
Boulder, Colorado – October 10, 2014
USA Climbing, the United States National Governing Body for the sport of competition climbing announced today that it has awarded the 2015 Sport Climbing Series (SCS) Open National Championships to Central Rock Gym in Watertown, MA.
This event will be hosted by USA Climbing as part of the highly successful Ring of Fire lead climbing competition series that has been developed by the management team at Central Rock Gym over the last four years. The competition will feature the best adult athletes in the United States competing in the disciplines of Lead and Speed Climbing for a spot on the US Climbing Team and their share of a $20,000.00 prize purse.
“We established the Ring of Fire competition to give pro climbers a much needed independent series in rope climbing,” said Joe Hardy. “This new partnership with USAC is incredible because it brings so many talented people together in the name of competition rope climbing. We are incredibly humbled to have this opportunity to work with USA Climbing, and look forward to learning from their experience. If you are a competitor, you will not want to miss this joint venture. The setting, the lighting, the organization will all be mind blowing. Boston has been a hot-bed of great climbing events for years, and this partnership will build on that history.”
“I can’t express how excited we are to work with the CRG team,” said USA Climbing CEO Kynan Waggoner. “Because of our cumulative competition management experience and the diehard climbing community that exists in the Boston area, this event is going to be a great opportunity to promote our sport and the disciplines of Lead and Speed Climbing in the United States.”