Hey there CBJ readers! We wanted to let you know that Facebook has changed its algorithm to put a higher priority on content shared by family and friends over content shared by media outlets. Since we don’t have the money that many other outlets have (like Buzzfeed, Time, Conde Nast, Etc.), we cannot pay Facebook to promote our posts. This means that you will likely see less CBJ articles on your newsfeed.
The good news is that you can tweak your settings just a bit to make sure you keep seeing our articles!
Here are some easy instructions for how to keep CBJ on your newsfeed:
Go to the CBJ Facebook page and make sure the box marked “Like” is checked.
If you’re on a computer, hover over the down arrow on what looks like a “wifi” symbol and select the “See first” option. If you’re on a phone, click on the “Following” button and select the “See first” option.
And that’s it! Now you’re all set to see great CBJ articles and links every day.