The Charlotte Observer reports that the U.S. National Whitewater Center in Charlotte, NC is planning to open a Deep Water Solo Climbing Facility where climbers free climb to the top of the wall before plunging into the water at the end of their climb.
Construction has begun on a permanent deepwater solo climbing facility, the only one of its kind in the nation. The facility will have three climbing walls – 25, 35 and 45 feet tall – surrounded by a 16-foot deep pool to catch descending climbers.
“They’ve just started moving dirt,” Osterhus said. “The winter weather that we’ve had has kept them from doing more, but we’re still planning on having it open in April.”
The whitewater center has two climbing facilities, both on land sculpted to look and feel like granite – the Spire, a 46-foot tall wall; and a 30-foot roped wall.
This will be the only permanent deep water solo facility in the country.
The new facility will be the location of a Deep Water Solo Competition during the USNWC’s annual Tuck Fest in April.