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Worlds Biggest Climbing Structure



Eldorado Climbing Walls, is reporting the completion of the world’s largest man-made rock climbing structure. Built at the Boy Scouts of America’s extreme sports village in the Bechtel Summit Reserve in West Virginia, this climbing facility will be unveiled at the BSA’s 2013 National Jamboree.

With a total of 60,000 square feet of rock climbing terrain, the climbing facility is divided into two areas: The Rocks and Boulder Cove. All climbing terrain is constructed from Eldorado’s SHOTRock product and entirely hand-sculpted to mimic the local rock styles and climbing features of the New River Gorge.

“We are honored to have been selected by the Boy Scouts of America to complete a project of this massive scope and size,” said Jerad Wells, CEO of Eldorado Climbing Walls. He continues, “The climbing facility at The Rocks and Boulder Cove truly showcase the amazing climbing wall design and climbing wall construction capabilities of our team. We look forward to seeing this facility inspire a love of rock climbing in current and future generations of Scouts.”

The rock climbing area is dedicated specifically to the Scouts during the Jamboree. The most unique element of this massive climbing area is the “Leap of Faith,” where participants leap into the air from a height of 32 feet and are safely lowered to the ground by the TRUBLUE Auto Belay.

Other features include:

  • Two rappelling towers with a total of 36 rappelling stations at a height of 32 feet (6 stations are dedicated “leap of faith” stations).
  • Three climbing fins with 68 manual belay stations at heights from 21-30 feet.
  • Two climbing fins with 33 TRUBLUE Auto Belay stations at heights from 25-35 feet.
  • One 25-foot high climbing fin with 8 climbing stations (6 manual, 2 auto-belay).
  • Six freestanding boulders with over 50 stations and an average height of ten feet.

Boulder Cove incorporates over 280 linear feet of rock climbing walls ranging for 19’ to 36’ in height. In this area, the Scouts and their families can enjoy the following features together:

  • 12 TRUBLUE Auto Belay rappel stations.
  • 72’ linear foot rappel deck
  • 25 TRUBLUE Auto Belay backed up climbing stations.
  • Three distinct boulders averaging 13’ in height.

Following the Jamboree, the Bechtel Summit Reserve and the climbing facility will be open to scouting trips and retreats. The Bechtel Summit will continue to host the US Jamboree every year, and plans are in the making to host the World Jamboree in 2019.

Read the full press release at

Climbing Business Journal

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