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Grip Showcase Pittsburgh: New Climbing Holds and Volumes of June 2023

During the CWA Summit week in Pittsburgh, 28 climbing hold brands featured their best creations at Iron City Boulders for the latest CBJ Grip Showcase. (Photos by Tara Bennett)

Congrats to EP Climbing, winner of the CBJ Grip Showcase Pittsburgh!

It was epic! The walls were filled with beautiful new holds from top brands across the globe. Every route was a banger, every hold was top quality, and the vote was close.

Congratulations to EP Climbing for taking the crown at CBJ’s Grip Showcase Pittsburgh! Your new dualtex volumes and macros were truly stunning, and voters agreed (scroll down to see all the holds and routes; scores are out of 5 stars):

Vote Results:

  1. EP Climbing (#2 black) with 3.657
  2. Trickit (#19 black) with 3.583
  3. Grizzly (#20 purple) with 3.549
  4. Decoy (#24 orange) with 3.514
  5. Kilter (#23 blue) with 3.505
  6. Binary (#12 purple/white) with 3.475
  7. Rock Candy (#22 pink) with 3.425
  8. Unleashed (#1 yellow) with 3.363
  9. Magic Wood / Under Blue Hold (#14 pink) with 3.325
  10. Vezi (#6 green) with 3.313
  11. eXpression (#3 white) with 3.296
  12. Walltopia (#17 wood) with 3.280
  13. Kitka (#10 blue) with 3.252
  14. Teknik (#21 white) with 3.234
  15. Ocelot (#4 orange) with 3.174
  16. Agripp (#28 blue) with 3.173
  17. HRT (#18 orange) with 3.157
  18. Urban Plastix (#27 pink) with 3.139
  19. Trango (#25 black) with 3.077
  20. Axis (#8 blue) with 3.048
  21. So iLL (#13 white) with 3.035
  22. Blocz (#16 yellow) with 2.978
  23. Nicros (#7 pink) with 2.905
  24. Squadra (#9 yellow) with 2.894
  25. sToKed (#26 white) with 2.843
  26. Secret (#15 blue) with 2.786
  27. Kumiki (#5 purple) with 2.761
  28. Thrill Seeker (#11 green) with 2.731

Nice work Iron City Boulders for hosting such an awesome event, and special thanks to the routesetters of course!

  •     Dean Privett (Moments Climbing)
  •     Travis Riegle (Iron City Boulders)
  •     Tiffany Polite-Hill (Iron City Boulders)
  •     Brendan Watts (Iron City Boulders)
  •     Charles Garcia (Blue Swan Boulders)
  •     Jean-Paul Korkmaz (Blue Swan Boulders)
  •     lli Antikainen (KiipeilyAreena)

Don’t miss the next CBJ Grip Showcase SLC at The Front South Main on June 24th!

Click or scroll down to see the holds:
AgrippAxisBinaryBloczDecoyEP ClimbingeXpressionGrizzlyHRTKitkaKumikiMagic Wood DistributionNicrosOcelotRock CandySecretSo iLLSquadraStokedTeknikThrill SeekerTrangoTrickitUnleashedUrban PlastixVeziWalltopia

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Boulder #1: Unleashed

Featured from Unleashed:

Unleashed route at Grip Showcase Pittsburgh

Boulder #2: EP Climbing

Featured from EP Climbing:

EP route at Grip Showcase Pittsburgh

Boulder #3: eXpression

Featured from eXpression:

eXpression route at Grip Showcase Pittsburgh

Boulder #4: Ocelot

Featured from Ocelot:

Ocelot route at Grip Showcase Pittsburgh

Boulder #5: Kumiki

Featured from Kumiki:

Kumiki route at Grip Showcase Pittsburgh

Boulder #6: Vezi

Featured from Vezi:

Vezi route at Grip Showcase Pittsburgh

Boulder #7: Nicros

Featured from Nicros:

Nicros route at Grip Showcase Pittsburgh

Boulder #8: Axis

Featured from Axis:

Axis route at Grip Showcase Pittsburgh

Boulder #9: Squadra

Featured from Squadra:

Squadra route at Grip Showcase Pittsburgh

Boulder #10: Kitka

Featured from Kitka:

Kitka route at Grip Showcase Pittsburgh

Boulder #11: Thrill Seeker

Featured from Thrill Seeker:

Thrill Seeker route at Grip Showcase Pittsburgh

Boulder #12: Binary

Featured from Binary:

Binary route at Grip Showcase Pittsburgh

Boulder #13: So iLL

Featured from So iLL:

So iLL route at Grip Showcase Pittsburgh

Boulder #14: Magic Wood / Under Blue Hold

Featured from Magic Wood / Under Blue Hold:

Magic Wood / Under Blue Hold route at Grip Showcase Pittsburgh

Boulder #15: Secret

Featured from Secret:

Secret route at Grip Showcase Pittsburgh

Boulder #16: Blocz

Featured from Blocz:

Blocz route at Grip Showcase Pittsburgh

Boulder #17: Walltopia

Featured from Walltopia:

Walltopia route at Grip Showcase Pittsburgh

Boulder #18: HRT

Featured from HRT:

HRT route at Grip Showcase Pittsburgh

Boulder #19: Trickit

Featured from Trickit:

Trickit route at Grip Showcase Pittsburgh

Boulder #20: Grizzly

Featured from Grizzly:

Grizzly route at Grip Showcase Pittsburgh

Boulder #21: Teknik

Featured from Teknik:

Teknik route at Grip Showcase Pittsburgh

Boulder #22: Rock Candy

Featured from Rock Candy:

Rock Candy route at Grip Showcase Pittsburgh

Boulder #23: Kilter

Featured from Kilter:

Kilter route at Grip Showcase Pittsburgh

Boulder #24: Decoy

Featured from Decoy:

Decoy route at Grip Showcase Pittsburgh

Boulder #25: Trango

Featured from Trango:

Trango route at Grip Showcase Pittsburgh

Boulder #26: sToKed

Featured from sToKed:

Teknik route at Grip Showcase Pittsburgh

Boulder #27: Urban Plastix

Featured from Urban Plastix:

Urban Plastix route at Grip Showcase Pittsburgh

Boulder #28: Agripp

Featured from Agripp:

Agripp route at Grip Showcase Pittsburgh

Submit your latest shapes and products

Each month we plan to publish a list of recent hold, volume, and training gear releases. Brands that self-report using this form will be included for free.

Climbing Business Journal

Climbing Business Journal is an independent news outlet dedicated to covering the indoor climbing industry. Here you will find the latest coverage of climbing industry news, gym developments, industry best practices, risk management, climbing competitions, youth coaching and routesetting. Have an article idea? CBJ loves to hear from readers like you!