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USAC Routesetting Clinics


USA Climbing Routesetting has just announced the fall schedule of setting clinics.   A much anticipated Level 2 clinic will be held at Climb Iowa in Des Moines, Iowa November 3rd – 5th.  This three day clinic covers on-sight competition routesetting along with advanced movement theory and comp organization.   Setters must apply to attend this clinic and with only 12 spots open it is sure to be very competitive.

The USAC Setting website states that, “we expect many applications, so please only apply if you have significant competition routesetting experience, and a sincere interest in setting for USAC Championship level competitions in the future. ”  Basically this clinic is for setters that are looking to turn their skill into a possible career.

Also announced are two public Level 1 clinics.  The first will be held at Upper Limits in St. louis, Missouri September 14th – 15th and instructed by National Chief Setter John Muse.  The second Level 1 clinic is at the venerable New England gym Metrorock in Boston, Massachusetts October 3rd – 4th.  This clinic will be instructed by International Routesetter Chris Danielson.

Both Level 1 clinics are open to the public but do have a few prerequisites like, 6 months routesetting experience and the ability to forerun 5.10 & V3.  These clinics provide, “instruction for new and experienced routesetters alike, giving individuals an opportunity to learn and practice fundamental routesetting skills valuable for commercial and competition routesetting. ”  One day is spent on boulder specific setting and the second on route specific setting.

USAC Routesetting is the US’s only organization offering routesetting instruction and sanctioned certification.  To learn more about the program or to register for any of the clinics go to Usacsetting.net.


Climbing Business Journal

Climbing Business Journal is an independent news outlet dedicated to covering the indoor climbing industry. Here you will find the latest coverage of climbing industry news, gym developments, industry best practices, risk management, climbing competitions, youth coaching and routesetting. Have an article idea? CBJ loves to hear from readers like you!