Central Rock Gym Plans Fifth Florida Facility, Expands Into Fort Myers

rendering of central rock gym fort myers
Central Rock Gym (CRG) Fort Myers is slated to open in early 2025, and will be Florida's fifth CRG location.
Central Rock Gym Fort Myers roped walls rendering
Central Rock Gym (CRG) Fort Myers—which will have roped walls (depicted here) up to 45 feet tall—is slated to open next year and brings CRG’s count of open or planned gyms to 26. (All renderings courtesy of Central Rock Gym)

Central Rock Gym
Fort Myers, Florida

Specs: Central Rock Gym (CRG) recently announced plans for a mixed-discipline climbing facility in Fort Myers, Florida, set to open in early 2025. The planned facility is CRG’s fifth climbing gym project in the state. Originally a developer of gyms located in the Northeast, CRG opened two climbing gyms in Florida last year, in Orlando and Tampa, and has three more planned Florida gyms on the way, in Tampa, Miami and now Fort Myers.

The 24,500-square-foot Fort Myers facility will feature 20,000 square feet of climbing, 5,000 of which will be bouldering terrain. Other climbing amenities will include auto belays, a Tension Board and a Kilter Board, and the completed gym will also have yoga and fitness options.

Trango Holds Pardners

CRG is the only gym developer in America to have established over 20 climbing gyms in the country through self-builds (as opposed to obtaining those gyms through acquisitions or mergers). In total, CRG operates 26 open or planned climbing gyms in North America—the second most of any gym developer—across Connecticut, Florida, Massachusetts, New York and Rhode Island. Combined, those facilities offer over 300,000 square feet of climbing and over 2,000 bouldering problems.

Bouldering walls rendering
The planned roped and bouldering walls (pictured) for the Fort Myers gym will be built by Walltopia, with flooring by Cascade Specialty.

Walls: Walltopia
Flooring: Cascade
CRM: Rock Gym Pro
Website: centralrockgym.com/fort-myers/
Instagram: @CentralRockFortMyers

In Their Words: “CRG’s expansion into Fort Myers was the original inspiration to come to Florida. Our local CRG community in Buffalo loves our partnership with Resurgence Brewery, and Resurgence has been so pleased with the partnership that they invited us to join their development in Ft. Myers! We’re really excited to join Resurgence Brewery in serving the Ft. Myers community by bringing both a world-class brewery and large full-service climbing gym to the area.” – Ed Hardy, Central Rock Gym co-owner

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