Gyms Experiment with Smartphone Apps

In the past five years smartphones have radically changed the way many people navigate, share with friends, get news, and much more. Smartphone apps like ClimbFind, ClimbingApp and Cruxbook help users locate climbing gyms anywhere in the world. There are also numerous apps that let climbers track their sends, both indoors and out, for training and bragging purposes. Yet with so many climbers using mobile devices, there are still relatively few gyms that are taking advantage of this technology to interact with customers. A handful of climbing facilities have developed their own apps to provide customers with basic information about their facility. CityROCK Climbing Center in Colorado Springs, CO has developed a mobile app that displays the gym’s hours of operation, contact info, event calendar and a live web cam of the facility. The app also allows customers to sign a digital waiver form and check-in to the facility with a digital member card.
CityROCK mobile app
The Rock Spot in Boston, MA has an android app that offers similar features, plus coupons and a loyalty punch-pass. Climbing gyms in Europe seem to be one mobile-step ahead of America. The Arch Climbing Wall in London, England has an iPhone app that, in addition to many of the features offered by the CityROCK and Rock Spot apps, also provides detailed information about their boulder problems. Each time the Arch sets a new circuit it gets posted to the app, and users can quickly view the circuit’s color, grades, routesetter and date. The Arch app is built on a free app platform called theSend climbing topo apps, which allows users to create mobile guidebooks for outdoor climbing areas. Steve Golley, developer of theSend, said in an email interview, “The project was created as a not-for-profit method of generating money for bolt and access funds though guidebook sales… The Send platform provides all of the necessary tools for a team of authors to create a fully featured guide and start generating donations straight away.” While designed for outdoor crags, Golley thought it would also work well for indoor gyms and suggested it to the owner of the Arch Climbing Wall, who liked the idea.
Arch Climbing Wall / theSend app
Left: Arch Climbing Wall app. Right: theSend mobile guide for North Wales Rock
When asked about the possibility of other gyms using this platform Golley said, “It would be great to introduce the concept to other gyms, the product is turnkey as it stands but I would expect most gyms to want to do at least some customisation to make it their own implementation. In those cases I would speak to the gym owners to establish their requirements and discuss costs for the extra development. The app itself and platform tools are free to use in their current form.” Earlier this month a developer in Switzerland released the ClimbinGym app, a mobile platform that is currently being used by Bloczone, a climbing gym in Fribourg, Switzerland. Like the Arch Climbing Wall app, the ClimbinGym app provides customers with basic info about a gym (hours, rates, website), a digital member card and detailed information about all routes in the gym (location, grade, color, routesetter, hold brand, date, type). The app also gives users the ability to filter routes by grade and get notifications when new routes in that range are added. In the gym, each route has a small barcode that can be scanned with the app to display who set the route and when. Users can then give smile/frown ratings to the route.
ClimbinGym app
ClimbinGym app
What sets the ClimbinGym app apart is the backend functions for the gym managers and routesetters. As new routes are put up the routesetter attaches a barcode with the corresponding grade and scans the barcode with the app. “He then has to add only the color and the position in the gym. This process is very quick (less than 30 sec per route) since it is all possible from the application,” said Thibaut Mauron, the developer of the app, in an email interview. Each route is fed into a master database that tracks the number of routes, age of each route, productivity of each routesetter and grade distribution. The head routesetter has access to an online dashboard that can graphically display and filter this information, and is able to task routesetters with setting or removing specific routes. Currently the online dashboard is only available in French and German, but an English version is in development. “When we screw a new [route] in our gym, it is now really easy to store all necessary information about it in the database (screwed by, date and time, difficulty, location in the gym, art of the holds)… The app also [tells] us when a route should be unscrewed and replaced,” said Martin Rebetez, a manager at Blockzone. While feature rich, the ClimbinGym app is not cheap. The app developer, Thibaut Mauron, said he charges 1000 CHF ($1108) for the initial setup and about 500 CHF each year for continuing access to the online portal, updates and customer support. climbingym_barcodes2
ClimbinGym online dashbard
ClimbinGym barcodes and online dashboard
There are other software tools that help facilities manage their climbing inventory. ClimbCheck is one such tool that helps gyms monitor their routes and boulder problems, and also gives customers the ability to see when new routes are added, track which routes they have climbed and give routes a star rating. However the platform is web-based and doesn’t take advantage of the mobility and interactivity of a mobile application. Furthermore ClimbCheck appears to be on hold while they make improvements to the platform. According to their website “ClimbCheck is undergoing a complete re-build, new platform with a lot of new features and very fast!” and their Facebook page says “Coming August 31 Very soon (we promise)”. We’ll have to wait and see what new features are contained in this release, and if mobile tools will be included. We are certainly in the early days of a technology that will have new and unimaginable impacts on how customers interact with climbing facilities. How about QR codes that link to video beta for a boulder problem? Rating tools that share the most “liked” routes on your Facebook page? Custom training programs based on what routes customers try and sent? The opportunities are almost limitless. If your gym is already using mobile technology to engage with customers, keep your route inventory up to date, or for anything else, let us know about it in the comments.

Chicago Finally Gets Climbing Gym…Or Two

The last great climbing gym market in the US is about to be blown open with the addition of not one, but two new climbing gyms. Chicago is the third most populous US city with 2.7 million residents, and currently has zero full-service climbing only facilities. That’s about to change with First Ascent Climbing Gym building a 26,000 square foot facility, with a planned opening in the spring of 2014. Also breaking on to the scene is Brooklyn Boulders, a New York-based climbing gym company which, according to Chicago Real Estate Daily, just signed a 15-year lease for a 25,000 square foot building in downtown Chicago. CBJ reached out to Brooklyn Boulders but they declined to comment on specifics of the Chicago deal. But according to Chicago Real Estate Daily:
Brooklyn Boulders, which has two locations on the East Coast, plans to expand the single-story structure to install climbing walls meant to resemble craggy mountain faces. The entire project, including renovations, is expected to cost $3 million, according to construction project information provider Brooklyn Boulders chose the West Loop because it is one of the fastest-growing neighborhoods in the country, said Jeremy Balboni, one of company’s founders. “It’s certainly one of the areas where every cool restaurant and every cool company is moving,” he said. “That, to us, was extremely attractive.” The gym will offer some of the tallest indoor climbing walls in the country, Mr. Balboni said, declining to specify the height. The company also will offer classes including yoga and a café, he said. Brooklyn will race to the top against Chicago-based First Ascent LLC, which bought a site in the South Loop where it plans a $7 million to $8 million project, Jonathan Shepard, one of Ascent’s owners, said in an email. Mr. Shepard declined to disclose the site of the rock climbing gym. First Ascent, which raised money from climbing enthusiasts as well as investors, expected competition, Mr. Shepard said. “We didn’t assume we’d be the first gym,” he said. “We felt pretty comfortable we would do pretty well if we were one of three gyms.”
The Chicago area has remained an elusive market for commercial climbing gyms for several reasons, the most prominent of which is the cost of real estate. But since 2009 the square foot price for industrial property has dropped from a high of $85 / square foot to a current average of $55 / square foot.
This alone may be the cause of much interest in the area, but that’s not the only reason climbing gym companies may be targeting Chicago right now. The perceived risk of opening a facility in a city like Chicago, which is not known for having a large population of climbers, has been mitigated by the entry of other gyms in similar markets. Stone Summit, for example, built one of the country’s largest climbing gyms outside of Atlanta, Georgia, an area of the country more famous for its obesity rates than for its recreation enthusiasts. However, Stone Summit has shown that it’s possible to run a large, successful climbing facility without a ready-made audience; they attracted some existing climbers but more importantly built their membership by attracting new people to the sport with a well-equipped, spacious and attractive facility. Currently Chicago-area climbers have very limited options for indoor climbing. Hidden Peaks, which is located inside Lakeshore Academy, a recreational gymnastic facility, is the only climbing wall open to the public. With such a large, young and healthy population we can expect to see, perhaps, a third climbing gym opening in Chicago in the near future.

New CEO Seeks Growth at USAC

Mary-Clare Brennan
Earlier this year USA Climbing quietly made a change to how competitive climbing is run in America. That change came in the form of Mary-Clare Brennan, who was named CEO of the organization in April. As the national governing body of competitive climbing in America, USAC organizes the Sport Climbing Series (SCS) and American Bouldering Series (ABS) competitions – whose National Championship events determine who is on the USA national climbing team – and the Collegiate Climbing Series (CCS). USAC is also responsible for hosting IFSC World Cup events in America. Brennan now leads the SCS Youth National Championships, which is one of the largest climbing comps in the world with over 460 competitors, two World Cup events, and nearly 200 local bouldering and roped competitions a year through the SCS, ABS and CCS series. Even though USAC puts on some of the best competitions in the country, what Brennan cares most about is getting people to be members of USAC. “My focus is on building USA Climbing’s membership, not on events. The organization has done an outstanding job of building fantastic events. But we need to grow our membership and for the upcoming season, members will see a benefits program and other offers intended to increase the value that they receive as members of USA Climbing. That’s our primary objective right now,” said Brennan in an email interview.

Setting The Bar

Before Mary-Clare Brennan became USA Climbing’s Chief Executive Officer she worked for 18 years with the United States Olympic Committee’s Marketing Division. At the USOC she worked in securing new sponsorship revenue and leading sales efforts for the Team USA digital network. “I started [with the USOC] in 1995, before the Atlanta Games, and advanced through the division, working in nearly every aspect of the business: Olympic brand management, National Governing Body marketing programs, sponsor service and eventually sponsorship sales. By the end, I had been selling U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Team marketing rights for a decade,” said Brennan. Daron Pair, USAC’s Board President, said of hiring Brennan, “USAC is thrilled to have Mary-Clare as our new CEO. She brings a tremendous amount of experience from the United States Olympic Committee and her work with National Governing Bodies. Mary-Clare’s skill set aligns nicely with our goals for USAC and we are fortunate to have her on board.” So what is Brennan’s vision for USAC? “Like any National Governing Body, USA Climbing is responsible for the entire pipeline of athlete development in the sport: from the grass roots, local level though the elite, international level. We need to continually grow the sport and develop world-class athletes who are competitive on a global level. However, in order to do that, we have to generate the revenue necessary to create the events, programs and opportunities required to develop athletes at all levels in the pipeline,” Brennan said.

An Uphill Climb

That is a tall order for an organization whose 2010 revenue was under $900,000. Brennan seems clear-eyed about this challenge and asserts that she is uniquely qualified to address USAC’s financial health. She said, “One of the benefits of not coming from the climbing community is that I can focus purely on the health and efficacy of the organization. My goal is simply to ensure that USA Climbing is a healthy, functional, transparent business that generates the revenue needed to achieve its objectives while managing expenses appropriately.” Achieving this goals will not be easy. Before arriving at USAC Headquarters in Boulder, Colorado the entire national organization was being held together by two full-time staff members. Brennan said, “Kynan Waggoner, our Director of Operations, and Krista Dorsten, our Director of Membership and Marketing, deserve medals for running the organization for eight months without a CEO.” USAC’s former CEO, Keith Ferguson, stepped down in 2012 after leading the organization for four years. Though the organization has very few full-time staff, Brennan gets help from a small army of unpaid volunteers that help the organization with a variety of tasks, from belaying and judging at competitions to serving as Regional Coordinators that spend countless hours organizing comps in their respective regions. “With any small non-profit – especially one that is expected to have an impactful national reach – the major challenge is simply finding the resources to do all the things that need to be done and doing them well. So, while there are many projects that we’d like to tackle – and rebuilding our website is high on that list – we simply have to prioritize the immediate needs of the organization while still striving to achieve the strategic objectives that are going to push the organization forward to where we want it to be,” Brennan said.

Gym Hosts and Sponsors

One of the more immediate challenges that Brennan faces is convincing gyms to host one of those 200 local comps. USAC relies on commercial climbing gyms across the country to host sanctioned comps but its getting harder to find gyms that are willing to shut down their facility to host an event. Many gyms are doing the math and finding it doesn’t make sense to close their doors to members (from one to three days depending on the event) in order to host a competition that may have little immediate benefit to their members. “We’re certainly aware of the challenges that gyms face in holding competitions, whether local, regional, divisional and national and we’re incredibly appreciative of the gyms that host those comps year after year. Of course, gyms do receive revenue for hosting competitions, whether it’s through local event registration fees or USA Climbing payments on a per athlete or flat fee basis,” Brennan said about a gym’s decision to host an event. “More importantly though, is for gyms to think about the intangible benefits of hosting comps: a home gym advantage for their teams; less travel, expense and stress for their athletes and parents; regional and national brand awareness for the gym and new member development through new competitive disciplines like paraclimbing.” But perhaps the biggest challenge Brennan has to tackle is bringing in new sponsors that can support USAC’s mission of growing and enhancing the sport. Only a few large companies in the outdoor industry, such as The North Face, which is a long time sponsor of USAC, have provided significant financial support to USAC and its programs. Since taking on the role of CEO Brennan has signed one new sponsor, Kailas, a Chinese-based mountain apparel company. One strategy USAC might approach is to bring in sponsors from outside the climbing industry, so-called non-endemic sponsors. The hope with this idea is to tap into a larger pool of money and thus have those resources to help USAC achieve its goals. From her experience doing sponsorship sales at the USOC, Brennan said she does not believe there is any difference between “an endemic category sponsor’s dollar and a non-endemic one.” But she went on to say, “Our challenge is to ensure that USA Climbing can deliver a business return on a sponsor’s investment in a way that is both meaningful to the sponsor and authentic to the membership, regardless of what the category is.”

World Cups

One of USAC’s highest profile roles is the hosting of IFSC World Cups. World Cups are the pinnacle of competition climbing and garner a lot of media attention for the host country. Since 2009 the U.S. has hosted an IFSC Bouldering World Cup in Vail, Colorado in conjunction with the GoPro Mountain Games (formerly Teva Mountain Games). The Vail World Cup is a popular stop for European athletes on the World Cup circuit, and is often one of the only World Cups in which members of the USA climbing team can compete because of the high costs of traveling to comps in Europe and Asia.
In 2010 and 2011 the United States also hosted an IFSC Lead World Cup with two successful events at Movement Climbing + Fitness in Boulder, Colorado and Stone Summit in Atlanta, Georgia. The Lead World Cup series is the longest running international climbing competition series in the world, and is considered by many to be the standard bearer of competitive climbing. After the Atlanta event, however, USAC was unable to secure funding to support a bid for the 2012 IFSC schedule. Asked if the Lead World Cup series would return to American soil Brennan said, “We’ll see. U.S.-based World Cups provide terrific high performance benefits for our elite athletes but they are also expensive to host. The IFSC has stringent requirements for the conduct of each World Cup as well as the way in which event branding and IFSC sponsor integration are managed. The decision whether or not to bid for, and host, a World Cup is necessarily a business decision as much as a competitive one.” After this year’s Bouldering World Cup at the Mountain Games, many wondered if that comp would return to Vail. When asked about hosting the comp in 2014 Brennan was non-committal. “We have a great relationship with the Vail Valley Foundation, Vail is spectacular and the Go Pro Mountain Games are fabulous,” Brennan said. “It’s clear that athletes from around the world want to come to Colorado to compete in the Vail World Cup. Although we still have to weigh the high cost of hosting the event and other business considerations, I’d like to see the event stay in Vail during the Mountain Games, in one form or another.”

The Road Ahead

With all these challenges Brennan has hit the road running and has achieved a lot in her fist six months on the job. “I’m proud to say that we’ve implemented an overhaul of the organization’s insurance program, signed a new major sponsor, held the largest U.S. paraclimbing competition in history and hosted a highly successful U.S. Youth National Team Training Camp, followed by a terrific U.S. Team performance at the World Youth Championships in British Columbia,” Brennan said of her accomplishments thus far. Yet over the next few years Brennan needs to continue growing USAC’s member and sponsorship base in order to achieve her goals of enhancing the sport and its athletes. By proving USAC’s value to members, gyms and sponsors she can lead USAC down a path of greater financial security, which should improve the experience of competitive climbers in the U.S. and bring more certainty about the future of World Cups in America. Mary-Clare Brennan is bullish on the organization’s future. “I think that the current team running USA Climbing – from the Board to the staff – are in alignment to take the organization to a new level over the next few years.”